Helpful Software presents:
InCDius GH 1.1 by Glenn R. Howes
What it is, Requirements, Retrieving from
Internet, Retrieving from
local database, Submitting
entries, About
submissions, Saving to an
AppleScript, Known problems, Troubleshooting, Reporting Bugs, Distribution, Source
Code, Changes.
What it is:
InCDius is a utility, written in Java, which is
designed to download disc and track titles from the Internet
database. Once downloaded and saved into
the AppleCD Audio Player's preference file, this information will be
available for your favorite CD player (like Audio
Strip GH) to display. The cddb does not
have every CD ever made, but it is fairly good, and you can add those
disks which are missing.
A Macintosh, preferably PowerPC based, Apple's
MacOS Runtime
for Java 1.5 or greater, MacOS 7.6.1 or
greater, and a CD drive. Remote cddb accesses require an Internet
connection without a blocking firewall.
If anybody wants to implement the native routines,
this application could be ported easily to any other platform which
supports Java.
disk info from Internet database:
- To be safe, in the Finder, make a copy of the
CD Remote Programs file in your Preference folder and store it
away somewhere.
- Launch the InCDius GH application. Assuming
that your system is properly setup, a basic CD control panel will
be displayed.
- Choose "Choose Server..." from the "Database"
- Click the "Get Server List" button in the
dialog that appears. An updated lists of cddb servers from around
the world should be downloaded. This also retrieves the current
list of possible submission genres.
- Choose a nearby server from the popup menu,
and click OK.
- Insert an audio CD into your CD ROM
- Choose "Internet Lookup..." from the
"Database" menu. If there are no errors and the given disk is
listed in the database, a window with all the track names will
appear. Certain disks don't quite match the entries in the
database. In which case, a dialog will appear from which to choose
what you believe to be the best match.
- Click the "Save" button, and the tracks will
be saved to your CD Remote Programs file; eliminating any
previously entered track names for this disk. Click "Save with
Artist" button if you want the artist's name to be saved as part
of the disk title. Click "Save to Script" if you want to use
AppleScript to save the information (to FileMaker Pro for
instance). Hit "Edit" if you want to edit the information and/or
send a revised record back to the cddb.
Retrieving disk info from a local database:
Unfortunately, recent changes of cddb policy have
limited the usefulness of this feature. There used to be a file
called "" available from the cddb home page which
contained a copy of the entire cddb database. This file is no longer
available from there. So if you don't already have a copy, you are
out of luck. If you do have a copy, then you can use local database
lookup to access track information when you don't have access to the
network database because of a firewall or lack of network access.
Unlike your local copy, the remote database is constantly being
updated. So do the following only if you have no choice.
- Local database access requires certain
features present in MRJ 2.0 and above. MRJ 2.0 is part of the
MacOS 8.1 update and can be obtained from Apple's home
- Before recent changes, there was a file named
"" available from the cddb home page. This file is no
longer available from there and I don't know where you can find a
copy. If you do find a copy, do not decompress it. InCDius is
smart enough to deal with the zipped version, saving you 100
- Place the "" file or an alias to
it (also named "") in the same folder as the InCDius
GH application.
- To be safe, in the Finder, make a copy of the
CD Remote Programs file in your Preference folder and store it
away somewhere.
- Launch the InCDius GH application. Assuming
that your system is properly setup, a basic CD control panel will
be displayed.
- Insert an audio CD into your CD ROM
- Choose "Local Lookup..." from the "Database"
menu. If there are no errors and the given disk is listed in the
database, a window with all the track names will appear. It is
possible that the wrong disk will be found. Sorry.
- Click the "Save" button, and the tracks will
be saved to your CD Remote Programs file; eliminating any
previously entered track names for this disk. Click "Save with
Artist" button if you want the artist's name to be saved as part
of the disk title. Click "Save to Script" if you want to use
AppleScript to save the information (to FileMaker Pro for
instance). Hit "Edit" if you want to edit the information and/or
send a revised record back to the cddb.
Submitting Disk Info:
- Select "Submission Setup..." from the
"Database" menu.
- Enter your e-mail address and the name of your
e-mail server. For example, I use and for my setup. Use the info for your own server.
Look into the settings dialog for your mail program if you've
forgotten all this.
- If you want the record sent to somebody other
than the cddb server, type in an e-mail address other than in the cddb E-mail address field, but mainly
leave it alone. Click OK.
- Insert an audio CD into your CD ROM
- Select "Edit Disk Info..." from the "Database"
- You will be presented with a window into which
you can enter information about the disk and its tracks. In order
to submit to the cddb, you must give each track a name, give the
disk a name, and select a genre. If applicable, you should enter
the artist's name. Choose which field you want to enter from the
list, or hit the return key to edit the next field. You may enter
any interesting information you have about the disk or its tracks
in the info fields, but this is not required and in practice is
rarely done.
- When a minimal amount of data has been
entered, the "Submit to cddb" button will become enabled. Click
when you want to start the submission protocol. Certain characters
will not be accepted by the server, most notably the curly quotes
and parenthesis; you will be asked to replace such characters.
Please feel free to use characters like
ç,á,ñ, etc. where appropriate.
- If the disk you are submitting is already in
the database, you will be presented with a dialog confirming
whether you want to submit a revision.
- If there was a problem with the format of the
submitted record, you will be sent an e-mail detailing the
problem. Please forward such messages on to me.
- You may also hit the "Save" or "Save with
Artist" button to save your entered data to your local CD Remote
Programs file. Hit "Save to Script" if you want to use AppleScript
to save the data you've entered.
I've noticed that some people do a poor job of
formatting their entries to the cddb, and this annoys me. If you are
going to be civic minded and submit a disk entry, then do a good job
of it. There is a set of submission guidelines on the cddb home page
but here are a few guidelines of my own.
- Don't capitalize all the letters. Use the
capitalization rules you should have been taught in English class,
or capitalize the first letter of each word or at least use the
capitalization scheme that was used on the album cover if it isn't
in all caps.
- Give some thought as to which genre the album
falls under; I know most things seem to fall under rock, but at
least think about it.
- The album title is for the album title. If the
CD says "Johnny Cash Super Hits" then the title is "Super Hits",
and the artist is "Johnny Cash".
- Don't put any "/" characters in the title, it
will conflict with the record format. Use hyphens instead.
- Use the extended character set if indicated.
La Bohème looks so much nicer than La Boheme.
- Remember that if you don't input an artist,
the assumption will be made that the artist is the same as the
album name. Try "various".
- Don't submit listings for your own personal
mix CDs. What possible use would this info be to anyone?
saving to a script:
Included with this package is a small AppleScript
application (a scriptlet) called "InCDius Script". If you click on a
"Save to Script" button, this scriptlet will be launched and given
all the information that is in the cddb record. Right now, it is not
programmed to do anything particularly useful with the information;
it will launch the Scriptable Text Editor and put most of the info
into a new text document. You may use Apple's "Script Editor"
application to open the scriptlet and modify the "doMySaveData()"
routine to save the data the way you like it; for example, you could
tell FileMaker Pro to create a new record and save the information
into it. I recommend the book "The Complete AppleScript Handbook" by
Danny Goodman for those who are not AppleScript gurus.
If you received InCDius GH 1.1 final as part of
the Audiofile package. Spinfree has probably replaced the scriptlet
with one of their own creation.
Known Problems:
- The menu of track names does not properly show
characters from the extended character set. (Fixed in MRJ
- Sometimes the wrong menubar is displayed.
Usually bringing another window forward will fix the
- There are a maximum of 1100 disks that can be
added to the database, but it's a bad idea to get anywhere near
this limit.
- The AppleCD Audio Player application limits
entered title strings to 64 characters, therefore, I enforce that
limitation as well. I don't know why it does that as 255 would
have worked just as well.
- FWB drivers do not work the same as Apple
drivers in regards to disks with multi-media content. Track names
downloaded for such disks will not show up in the Apple AudioCD
Player. Also a phony data-track label might show up for the first
track of such a disk in the popup menu.
- Extended character sets will not be translated
properly for non-USA English systems.
- Any problem: make sure you have MRJ 1.5 or MRJ
2.0 installed instead of MRJ 1.0.2. MRJ 1.5 users will have to use
the alternative MRJAudioCD.PPC or MRJAudioCD.68K libraries.
- Error -2804: If InCDius won't startup due to
this error it probably means that you have not installed MRJ
properly (you might have even accidentally installed the SDK
developer's kit instead).
- InCDius starts up but all it has is a blank
document window and no way to quit. It's possible that there isn't
enough system memory available for the Java virtual machine to
startup properly. Try force quitting InCDius(command-option-escape
keys all at once) and closing other applications to free up some
system memory. Don't bother giving InCDius any extra application
- Your choice of cddb server isn't saved when
you quit InCDius: The InCDius Preferences file in your Preferences
folder might have become corrupted. Throw it away and start from
- Your submission doesn't bounce but it hasn't
appeared in the database after several days: Certain disks cannot
be added to the cddb. Forget about it.
Reporting bugs:
Send any bug or feature requests to Glenn Howes at Be sure to include information about your system
configuration such as MRJ version, MacOS version, machine name, and
Apple CD-ROM extension version.
This product is free for non-commercial
distribution. Spinfree Software is permitted to distribute the final
package with their product: Audiofile. Spinfree Software may also
replace the "InCDius Script" application with one of their own design
for redistribution.
Source Code:
The Java source for this application is available
for download on my home page. The native C source is available on a
per request basis.
- Since 1.1b8
- On an eject will now try to dismount
multiple partitions.
- Now can play Celine Dion's album: Let's
Talk About Love.
- Fixed potential problem where the CD Remote
Programs file might not be properly closed.
- As hard as this might be to believe. I was
requiring the Speech Manager to be available.
- Will now ask for confirmation if the user
wants to close an edit window without saving locally.
- Now remember screen location of control
window between opening and closing.
- Now position edit and data windows higher
on the screen to be more comfortable for 640x480 screen
- Support dynamic changes to the list of
genre categories. So when the cddb adds new categories InCDius
will be ready.
- Now use JNI native methods. This should
remove all vestige of MRJ 1.0.2 support.
- Made the about box cuter.
- Since 1.1b7
- Now properly save the info for Fiona
Apple's Tidal album. Hopefully, this will also help other
multimedia enabled CDs. I don't even like Fiona Apple, and yet
I bought a copy; the things I do for my users.
- Fixed null reference problem when a fuzzy
search was required.
- Since 1.1b6
- Worked around changes in MRJ 2.0 final
which brought havoc to the layout of my data windows.
- Changed name of machine sent to e-mail
server from that of the server to the Internet name of your
- Tried a few things to make saving track
names to the CD Remote Programs file a bit more reliable.
- Since 1.1b5
- Now a double click on the previous track
button will play the previous track instead of the current
- Removed 600 disk limit on entries in the
database. Now using the theoretical limit of 1100. Please do
not abuse this. I'm only doing this because people were doing
CD Coyote merges to get around my limit anyway.
- Will actually save time display mode and
reset it.
- Added support for local database lookup.
Requires MRJ 2.0.
- Put disk title in title bar of the control
panel window.
- Changed some of the fonts used.
- Now give better exception warnings when a
problem happens saving to the disk.
- Changed some of the menu text.
- Since 1.1b4
- Worked around a few bugs in MRJ 2.0 alpha
7. Should now be able to download and upload CD info.
- Made a few revisions in the interface. I
don't want any InHideous comments.
- May have fixed problem where revision
submissions were getting a mismatch between the disk ID and the
track time info. Maybe not.
- Now deal with e-mail servers which use
multi-line greeting messages.
- Since 1.1b3
- Should now not send partial submissions
when a submission was canceled part way through.
- Removed Save as Text option. This should be
done with AppleScript.
- May have fixed a rare problem with the cddb
rejecting an entry due to a line being just too long.
- Now strip the delete character from
- Added Edit button to the database record
- Since 1.1b2
- Now adds carriage return+line feed to lines
sent to mail server instead of just line feeds. Should make the
Eudora mail server happy.
- Added support for using AppleScript to save
a record. I'm not happy with the current implementation. Edit
"InCDius Script" with the Script Editor to get it to do what
you want.
- Since 1.1b1
- Fixed problem with quitting through hitting
the close box on the controls window.
- Added Save as Text option. Does not work
properly with extended characters. This saves the cddb
formatted record.
- Now removes all "control characters" except
tabs and returns in entries sent to the cddb.
- Errors thrown when saving disk info are
more explanatory.
- Command-E puts away the disk when control
window foremost.
- Replaces / with - in the default disk title
for submissions.
- Clearing the cddb e-mail address will
return it to the default.
- Added save locally with artist button to
the edit submission window.
Documentation written using
Claris Home Page.